
♧ Easy steps to start eating clean!

Hello dear ! How are you doing?

May is almost gone, so I think what I am going to talk about today is a great information for the summer!

As for NBE or for getting rid of acne , I talked about how important is to eat healthily. However this sometimes it’s difficult to make it alone , so I guess giving you a few tips may help you achieving a good eat habits!

  1. DON’T BUY FAST FOOD : sorry but if you don’t buy it, you won’t miss it, so therefor you don’t have to eat it.
  2. Bye bye, soda, sweet things and ice-creams : pick one of them (sodas, candy or ice-creams) and allow yourself once a week to eat it.
  3. Hello Olive oil and Coconut oil : both are great for cooking. In my culture, obviously we use more olive oil than the coconut oil but it’s up to you! Ah, remember! 1-2teaspoons a day it’s the best
  4. Ginger tea, dandelion tea, turmeric tea, pineapple tea : you may need to detox for some days so these are great for it
  5. 3-4 fruits, 3-4 veggies everyday : it’s best if you combine both everyday , and try to mix different colors
  6. 3 important meals, 2 snacks : breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. This is how we do in Spain, we eat every two-three hours and this way we are not hungry never. This is important if you are trying to loose weight or gaining weight as well, you insulin levels need to be balanced during the day
  7. First meal between 6-9 Am, last meal 7-9 pm :This is the holy rule for a good digestion and not messing up your body.
  8. Track your macros:  You need to know % of fat, % of protein, % of carbs the first few weeks. Remember, making an habit takes 21 days.
  9. Portions: medium plate for breakfast, medium plate for morning snack, medium plate for lunch; small plate for afternoon snack, small plate for dinner.
  10. Allow yourself a day off : this will help you with motivation but it also boosts metabolism
  11. Sit down, chew correctly, don’t rush : you are eating, not working out. You need to chew all the food in the mouth in order to have a good digestion . Try to eat with someone at least when you are eating a big meal, and avoid television.
  12. Don’t workout  after big meals : I mean if you like to work out in the morning of after lunch, wait 1h in the morning and 2h after lunch.
  13. Drink water, 2L-3L according to your height and weight : This is essential.
  14. Get enough sleep : yeah we all love going out and partying, but don’t make it as a rule and try to do different things during the weekends. Not having a relaxing and a good sleep time stress out your body and makes you eat things you don’t have to.
  15. Try to eat 85% clean : by clean I mean natural, local and best, organic
  16. Cut down dairy products and meat : you don’t have to be vegetarian or vegan, actually I am not, but it your body’s pH gets acid you are opened to more illnesses and bad bugs!
  17. Alternate “sweet things” with yummy natural things : for instance, in summer I do like to eat ice-cream more than three times a week but it’s dairy and second it has lots of sugar, so instead of eating three days what I do is I allow myself to get one ice-cream a week and the rest I eat vegan-ice-creams . Therefor, you control sugar intake as well.
  18. Don’t compare yourself to others: you are yourself and you don’t need extra pressure for making it possible. Remember a new habit takes 21 days and a lifestyle is made in 90 days. Step by step, day by day, you will make it!
  19. Patience, consistency and again, patience
  20. Be proud of yourself  : if you get through this you will notice a big change in your digestion, life quality and emotional well-being!


Much love guys!

Quote for the day ” Start somewhere”

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